Sunday, September 23, 2012

parent's decision

we already have our values individually, we have a destiny that we must reach it and again we do it individually. we have a question that we must answer by ourselves. but how if your parents give any judgement for you? its not about my fact, but there are too many cases about parent decision that make some child feeling so wall-ed ( means we have a walls to reach the best one!). did you think same with me? most of parents want their child become adult ehmm an 'adult way of thinking' but what they do its about they teach us still, they give any commands for us to do this this and this, whataaaa!
lets we start our discussion here. what do you think about that? what we shall do, in case you want to make your own way our values become true but you didn't want to hurt their heart?

kindly, you can give a comment here or by email. thanks ! :D

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